Talent Management

Talent management is the full scope of HR processes to attract, onboard, develop, motivate, and retain high-performing employees. Talent management is aimed at improving business performance through practices that make employees more productive.

In fact, talent management plays an important role in the business strategy since it manages one of the important assets of the company—its people.

Attract top talent, having a strategic talent management gives organizations the opportunity to attract the most talented and skilled employees available.

Training & Development

Training refers to a systematic setup where employees are instructed, and taught matters of technical knowledge related to their jobs. It focuses on teaching employees how to do specific tasks to increase efficiency.

Development refers to the overall holistic and educational growth and maturity of people in managerial positions. The process of development is in relation to insights, attitudes, adaptability, leadership and human relations.

Human Capital Strategy

Human Capital Strategy is a systematic process for identifying the resource pool and its capabilities to meet organization goals and developing the strategies and action plans to meet the requirements to fulfill those goals.

Temporary Staffing

Temporary staffing, whereby SP LINK consultants are engaged only for a specific period of time, includes fixed term, project- or task-based contracts, as well as seasonal or casual work.